Discover how to install, use, and troubleshoot the Rewardsweb browser extension.
Learn how to manage your account settings and control your personal information, ensuring that your profile is always up-to-date and reflects your preferences.
Learn to connect and manage your loyalty programs with Rewardsweb to maximize rewards seamlessly.
Keep your account secure with best practices for managing your password and enhancing security features.
All you need to know about redeeming rewards and managing your Re.Card on Rewardsweb. It includes step-by-step instructions for redemption, details on Re.Card activation, usage guidelines, and troubleshooting tips to make the most of your rewards experience.
How to earn rewards, manage your loyalty preferences, and troubleshoot issues related to earning and viewing rewards.
Learn how to cancel and manage refunds
Certain merchants require additional information or specific steps to redeem
Explore how digital payment platforms like Webpay and Mercado Pago enable secure, flexible transactions with partner merchants using Re.Card credit cards.